"Cel.e.brate Good Times, Come On!"

Please join me as I celebrate the completion of my FIRST half-marathon ! Today was my big race: the Cowtown Half-Marathon! {Read more about my running journeys along the way here .} I achieved my goals that I set out to accomplish: 1) finish the race and 2) run the entire 13.1 miles . And ... I did it! I ran jogged the entire 13.1 miles and finished the race! Woohoo!!! My unofficial time as I crossed the finish line was 2 hours and 37 minutes. I'm told that I can probably knock off at least 10-15 minutes to allow for delay in actual start time. I'll hopefully find out soon what my actual time was; although, I really am just proud to say I finished! {That's me in the light blue jacket. I was SO relieved when I saw my hubby & daughter! My daughter jumped on the course and finished the last quarter mile with me!} {After the race with one of my strongest supporters! She's an amazing friend and an incredible woman!}